Friday, October 25, 2013

Ashland Berry Farm doh

Last night a group of friends and I went to the Ashland Berry Farm.  They were having a special Thursday night promotion, so we scored $13 tickets.  Once we arrived to the Ashland berry Farm, a friend of mine said that it wasn't that busy compared to what it was like last year when he went.  I was excited though to say the least.  The $13 deal included 3 different attractions, or scary tours.  The first one was the scariest with it having us in complete darkness trying to crawl through this maze contraction, talk about crazy.  The journey started with us taking a hay ride for about 5-10 minutes to the middle of nowhere, and then having to walk through a maze in a cornfield.  I was extremely disorientated at this point. It was also pretty cold outside, which I didn't mind. The stars that were out though were magnificent.  They were so bright and vibrant and I could see so many.  The 2nd and 3rd attractions were haunted houses.  The 2nd one being extremely dark, which made me more concerned with getting out of there, than being scared of the people trying to scare me.  Overall it was a great trip. My favorite part was when we were in the first maze and having to crawl through this small area.  I highly suggest going to the Ashland Berry Farm for a fun, scary time.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was fun, Cory! I went there in middle school for the hay ride attraction. I really liked it! I'll have to go next year. Glad you had fun and hope you weren't too scared!!!!
